Thu 5 Sep 2024

Cast interview with Jo Hayton, audience member

Jo loved The Hound of the Baskervilles but couldn't make it to the post-show discussion so sent her questions in. Helena Antoniou, Katy Daghorn and Dave Hearn all replied, scroll on to read their answers...
  1. Will they work together on another production 🙏

Helena “I will make sure that happens – these two aren’t getting rid of me anytime soon.”

Katy “I really hope so! We’ve not worked together before and it’s been so much fun, so fingers crossed we get to perform together again.”

Dave “I would love to work with Katy and Helena again, I think they are totally fabulous, however, that will likely not be up to us, but you could petition some producers on our behalf.”

  1. Do they have any tricks for remembering their lines?

Helena “Start early, take it bit by bit, repetition and then connecting lines to your physical life in the space!! The more you understand the line, why it is there, the intention behind it, the more it beds in. I always forget the lines I don’t understand!”

Katy “I find it helpful to record the other actors saying their character lines and then I leave gaps so that I can say mine out loud. Then I can listen to it when I’m driving to and from rehearsals, or on long train journeys back to London at the weekends.”

Dave “I struggle to learn lines unless I’m physically in the room, I don’t do well sitting on my own. I tend to just cover and read, cover and read. The main thing for me is linking the line to the thought that makes sense in the scene and then lines come more naturally because they just ‘make sense to say’. Although this can be tricky in a comedy sometimes!”

  1. What has been their takeaway memory from working together on Hounds of the Baskervilles?

Helena “That theatre is best when it is playful. Regardless of the genre. I love coming on stage and seeing the genuine mischief of discovery in the eyes of Dave and Katy. It makes me want to find something new in every moment and that is when it is most alive.”

Katy “Ooh that’s hard, there are so many! We did one show where there was a kid who couldn’t stop giggling really loudly at loads of the jokes, which brought me so much joy. We also got a lovely letter from a 50 yo woman who came with her daughter and it was her first time at the theatre ever, they said they loved the show and that made us all cry!”

Dave “A comedy memory will always be the curtain call music firing too early during Katy’s final speech, it was one of the most enjoyable mistakes of my entire career! Oh and the people are lovely etc…”

  1. How on earth do they wind down after performing?

Helena “A whistling pig at The Pocket and I’m out for the count!”

Katy “It can be really hard sometimes. Sometimes we go for a drink and a debrief which helps get rid of some of the adrenaline! But sometimes I just go home and read my book with a cup of herbal tea to try and get my brain to shut off.”

Dave “I tend to struggle to get to sleep before about 2am. Sometimes we’ll go for a drink and decompress, but sometimes it’s sat in front of the TV, playing video games and a lot of reading!”

  1. How has it been performing in such a beautiful part of the England?

Helena “Such a privilege. Driving in every day and seeing the landscape unravelling itself continues to take my breath away. It cannot help but be totally inspiring. It adds to the play and adventure of this entire production.”

Katy “I’ve absolutely loved every second of it, I’ve hardly spent any time in the Lake district before now. Even after 6 weeks up here I’m still consistently overwhelmed by how beautiful it is, we’ve got to do some stunning walks on our days off and some mid-afternoon wild swims in between shows. You don’t get that in London!”

Dave “Totally wonderful, I’ve been to lakes once before and it takes my breath away everytime!”